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[sc-users] Trying to get Instr into Pmono
I'm having a little problem here, I want to play Instr("cymbals.tonal") in
Pmono, for example this:
c = Instr("cymbals.tonal").play; // this plays: continuous beats as expected
// trying to get 7/4 cymbal
d = Instr("cymbals.tonal").asSynthDef;
Pmono( // one beat, I want continuous beats
\dur, Pseq([1, 2, 2, 2], inf),
\trig, 1
// I have cxaudio loaded so:
Instr("cymbals.tonal").func.postcs =>
arg trig=0.0, freqScale = 1, timeScale = 1,
var env,exc;
env=Env.perc(0.0,0.05 );
z =[ `([ [ 1327.36, 1171.43, 1141.97, 1429.71 ], nil, [
1.21146, 1.9158, 1.42798, 1.9487 ] ]),
`([ [ 1569.68, 1565.56, 1219.64, 1310.97 ], nil, [
1.75512, 1.30389, 1.87559, 1.80242 ] ]) ];
exc = Enveloper2.ar(WhiteNoise.ar(excite), trig,env);
Klank.ar(z, exc,
What's the problem?
Thank You for Your Attention
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