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[sc-users] Re: string formatting notation

brianlheim wrote
>> syntax highlighting would help, but shouldn't highlighting be an optional
>> aid? If we need highlighting just to read the durned thing, there's
>> something wrong
> OK, yes, if you write intentionally obtuse code, your code will be hard to
> read. This is not an issue with the specific notation at hand, it is a
> general code quality concern. Replace any of your complex f"" examples
> with
> the equivalent code in .format and it is still bad code.

OK, yes, it is bad code, but it is *readable* bad code -- you can see at a
glance how bad it is, instead of getting lost in braces and quotes.

f"abc = {{abc ++ f"nested string {{xyz}}"}}".postln;


"abc = %".format(abc ++ "nested string %".format(xyz)).postln;

Sorry, but the latter is visually easier to parse.


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