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[sc-users] Re: string formatting notation
ddw_music wrote
> Well... I'm not sure what to do now. I just wrote kind of a lot in
> response
> to some points, but Nabble won't let me post it.
> - I can't subscribe to sc-users from my current e-mail address, because it
> thinks I'm already subscribed, but it isn't delivering to that address and
> it won't let me post from that address.
Quick update... I just tried again to subscribe to sc-users, and it looks
like it succeeded (which wasn't the case before).
But, if I send my long message now, it won't be in reply to a message on the
thread, so that would break the thread in the archives.
So I need to wait for a message to come into my inbox (which I'm not totally
sure will work... I have a vague memory of being subscribed before but
somehow not receiving messages).
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