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[sc-users] Re: string formatting notation

ddw_music wrote
> ... it just occurred to me
> that you could do a proof of concept now, with no changes to the lexer,
> using the preprocessor. That is, change the code string
> f"a = {{a}}"
> into
> "a = %".format(a)

See the attached scd for an initial stab at it. Limited testing, but I did

- Nested f"" strings convert to valid SC syntax ;)  It ain't necessarily
pretty (a format call within a format call), but it accurately reflects the
input structure and evaluates properly.

- A closing f at the end of a string literal doesn't confuse the converter:
"abcdef" is OK.

- Unclosed braces within an f"" throw an error, rather than generate wrong
syntax to pass to the interpreter.

- 'abcdef"xyz', correctly, does not trigger f"" parsing.

So, Merry Christmas ;)  It was kind of fun and didn't take that long. (But,
the main reason why I could do it fairly quickly is, oh, I'd guess 100-200
hours' work on the preprocessor for my live-coding dialect -- I have a lot
of practice scanning code strings in SC...)

Again, this is not a "solution." It's a prototype. I've expressed skepticism
about embedding code into strings -- but, to be fair, I should try it for a
while and see if I like it. To be honest, when James McCartney introduced
|args| instead of "arg args", I needed to try that for myself too... and in
that case, I came to feel (pretty quickly) that "10.do { |i| ... }" was less
noisy than "10.do { arg i; ... }". So, who knows? I might end up liking it.


PS I didn't try to be compatible with any other preprocessor -- exercise for
the user.


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