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[sc-users] GUI Laid Out w/ VLayout & HLayout's Stretch Properties, Moved Views Snap Back After Window Resize

Hello All,

So I've laid out my GUI using VLayout & HLayout's stretch property, and upon
window resize, all the views stay lovely and proportionate. I'd also like to
move these views around using the mouse, so I've incorporated this by
hooking up View's .resizeTo and .moveTo methods to a mouseMoved event, which
works too.

The problem is getting both of these features to work together... If the
views are .resizeTo-ed and .moveTo-ed, it would be good to have a Window
resize event resize using these new proportions, but instead all the views
are snapped back to the original view layout based on stretch. 

I wonder if anybody has any ideas about how I might be able to use the
stretch property, and therefore be able to Window resize, but also be able
to move Views around and change their sizes too.

Many thanks,

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