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[sc-users] Re: Index.ar vs BufRd.ar
Pierre Alexandre Tremblay wrote
>> Jeez. How many years has it been like this?
> I’m happy my naive troubleshooting and question asking was useful to spot
> something ;-)
Misunderstanding -- I was trying to say that the bug is... a really
impressive oversight, and it's impressive that we didn't notice for years.
"Jeez" was absolutely not for you, Pierre. I would never have guessed that
Index was choosing the wrong calc function (i thought it might have left out
the interpolation on purpose...? and was looking for clues -- I didn't
expect what I found), and I wouldn't expect anyone to guess that either. You
did exactly the right thing... pointed out a weird behavior. I got curious,
found the cause, and used the opportunity to editorialize about lax
development practices... which you took as a personal criticism.
The only offense I intended was for ourselves as developers ;)
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