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[sc-users] Re: RESULT = -1073741819 + SC_UdpInPort: received error

I do have to add one more note. I had said:

In principle, there's nothing wrong with Out.ar([bus, otherBus], signal) --
note that signal should be mono here, but even if it's stereo, it shouldn't
crash (that just doesn't do what you think). 

But you have:

tt998 wrote
> 	sig = In.ar(bus:inBus,numChannels:2);
> output=JPverb.ar(in:output,t60:60,damp:0.31443298969072,size:2.7938144329897,earlyDiff:0.421875,modDepth:4.639175257732,modFreq:0.10309278350515,low:2450.0822520097,mid:0.70618556701031,high:0.0,lowcut:0.84375,highcut:0.0);
> 	output=Limiter.ar(output);
> 	output = output*env;
> 	Out.ar([0,1],output*0.25);
> 	Out.ar([18,19],output*0.8);

... a stereo chain all the way through.

I'm guessing that you think it's multichannel-expanding the Out like this:

Out.ar(0, output[0] * 0.25);  // left
Out.ar(1, output[1] * 0.25);  // right

But, Out does not multichannel expand the audio channels -- it distributes
them, starting with the given bus index. So, it's really:

Out.ar(0, output * 0.25);  // both, on 0
Out.ar(1, output * 0.25);  // both, on 1


0 = output[0]
1 = output[1] + output[0]
2 =          output[1]

... which, I'd wager, is not what you want.

Easy fix: Remove the array from the bus argument. Only list the first one.


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