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[sc-users] Re: string formatting notation
*"Meta" thought 2.*
I can see a couple of different opinions here about "readability."
1. Readable code highlights program flow: `"%: %".format(name, value)` tells
you what part of the system will handle the request.
2. Readable code highlights data: "\(name): \(value)" describes what the
result will be without "noise" from method keywords.
Scott W. mentioned difficulties teaching new SuperCollider users because of
too many ways to do things. Part of the difficulty may be that some of these
ways are oriented toward program flow and others are oriented toward data --
for another example,
Array.fill(10, { 100.rand })
{ 100.rand } ! 10
So students have to learn two ways of thinking simultaneously.
Now, I'm not sure which is better. More and more, I lean toward #1 (focus on
program flow)... but I also find Haskell to be deeply fascinating *because*
of its expression of program flow in a way that seems "magical" from the
imperative point of view.
But I do think this explains the disagreement between Scott (and myself) and
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