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[sc-users] Re: RESULT = -1073741819 + SC_UdpInPort: received error

tt998 wrote
> Hey guys, I am really sorry to bother again with this but I am running out
> of ideas to fix this port error which disables me from using SC.
> I've noticed I get the port error when I route a synth to multiple buses
> Out.ar([18,19], blah blah);
> Out.ar([0,1], blah blah);
> I run the head and tail synth in a task
> server freezes

"Server freezes." That's the real problem, right there.

The port error message is a side effect of this. It's not the cause.

Also, which exact version of SC for Windows? Which version of Windows? Which
soundcard? Maybe even soundcard driver version. Windows audio is quite
delicate. Anything could be a factor.

It's certainly possible to have code that crashes Windows but works in other
operating systems. Here, I would suspect a unit generator that may be poorly
tested in Windows, but I can't begin to guess which one based on available

In principle, there's nothing wrong with Out.ar([bus, otherBus], signal) --
note that signal should be mono here, but even if it's stereo, it shouldn't
crash (that just doesn't do what you think).

The problem is likely in your "blah blah," but without seeing it, I can't
guess further.

I think we need to see more of your code ;)


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