> So I’m not sure why you think there’s no solution in SC. Unless you want this sort of thing (which you can do in some languages)
Yes, that's what I meant. This is what I mean by my terminology (it seems to be fairly standard):
string formatting: printf-style or relaxed printf style. printf("Error '%s' on line %d\n", err, line);
string interpolation: directly inserting variable names into a string literal. "Probably not in $systemsLanguage because of performance concerns."
> You can probably guess the problem: If that happens automatically it
hoses any existing code that happens to use that character pattern.
(e.g. to create a shell script).
See the f-string idea from Python linked by Stefaan above:
https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0498/AFAICT that exact solution would work with no problem in SC. e.g.: f"That is some good ${expletive}". Variable-name immediately followed by a string literal (or literal of any kind IIRC) is currently ill-formed, so there is no contention with code that is meant to say
f = 3;
f "this piece";
> As a start: value conversion methods should be lowercase and fromto.
FWIW, that’s not what I might pick if we were starting from scratch, but
it’s well established.
I happen to agree. (Sorry Nathan)