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Re: [sc-users] string formatting notation
> On 22 Dec 2017, at 13:30, <brianlheim@xxxxxxxxx> <brianlheim@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Ok, you bring up some good points! Rather than respond directly, I think I'll take a step back and ask:
> 1. Do you agree string formatting and/or string interpolation could be done better in SC?
Well, I’ve not given it a lot of thought, but I’m sure if we were doing this from scratch, we could come up with some method that was better according to some criterion, or (more importantly) come up with some coherent design guidelines that would apply. But...
> 2. What are some ways we could make it better that would be less harmful than the % approach?
… as we’re not doing it from scratch, the problems created by duplication outweigh the benefits of any change I can think of, at least in my opinion.
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