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[sc-users] ERROR: SynthDef temp__3 not found (exception in GraphDef_Recv: UGen 'IDWT' not installed. )

When I run the code:

b = Buffer.alloc(s,1024);

var chain;

chain = FFTTrigger(b); //works as DWT substitute too
Out.ar(0, (0.1*IDWT(chain,wintype:-1,wavelettype:0)).dup(2));


-> Synth('temp__3' : 1005) 
exception in GraphDef_Recv: UGen 'IDWT' not installed. 
*** ERROR: SynthDef temp__3 not found 
FAILURE IN SERVER /s_new SynthDef not found 

I had copy the IDWT plugin  (https://composerprogrammer.com/code.html)into
my SC's extension folder. 
It said: UGen "IDWT" not installed 

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