Not sure I understand the question. +, ++ are already defined on String, and there's nothing stopping % from being implemented in the same way. I already have this working over here. :)
> On Dec 21, 2017, at 15:47, brianlheim@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hey all,
> Formatting a string in SuperCollider is currently done (standard-wise) with the `.format` method on String. I was wondering what the community interest would be like for a Python 2 style shorter notation:
> Old:
> "%: stopped".format(thisProcess)
> "%: % is greater than %".format(thisProcess, 3, 2)
> New:
> "%: stopped" % thisProcess
> "%: % is greater than %" % [thisProcess, 3, 2]
> Thoughts? I definitely get sick of having to type .format.
> Regards,
> Brian
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