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[sc-users] Re: Data set/ Dimensional Reduction / PCA (Principal Component Analysis)

Thank you for your reply. 

I have a dataset (training set) of 286 (column) * 56 (row), meaning: 
- 56 training example. 
- Each training example have 286 data of different number 

My code:

a = CSVFileReader.read("C:\\Users\\ID977\\Data_Coffee.csv",skipEmptyLines: 
b = a.collect { |row| row.collect { |s| s.asFloat } }; 

        \instrument, \fmgrain1, 
 	\carrfreq, 10 * Pseq(b).trace / 4, 
                \modfreq, Pkey(\carrfreq) / 5, 
            \index, 2.5, 
        \attack, 0.001,    // and fixed values as desired 
        \decay, 0.2,       // for the other parameters 
        \dur, 0.1 

--> I need to generate a sequences of sound of 256. 

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