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Re: [sc-users] Event Types and their corresponding \keys
Am 21.12.2017 um 16:33 schrieb p.luc.gauthier@xxxxxxxxx:
> Hi there,
> tl;dr,
> Do you know here can I find documentation relating to :
> What different keys that can be used inside a pbind for each event types?
> e.g. for types :
> \type, \midi,
> \type, \set,
> I did look around the documentation to no avail.
If you haven't found it yourself already, some info is also contained in the Event help file (scroll down).
Also: have you gone through James' Pattern Guide ?
Definitely recommended if you work with Patterns.
See e.g. Pattern Guide 08: Event Types and Parameters
> The "Event type" page lists most (explicitly not all) available event types.
> But not the corresponding keys that each event type can "use".
In principal you can use *any* key in Event / Pbind. Think of it as a variable that you don't have to define explicitely and which is used for the little program that Pbind represents and that is evaluated every time an Event is played. Those keys though shouldn't conflict with standard keywords.
\myHarmonies, Prand([Pn([0, 4, 7, 9], 8), Pn([0, 2, 5, 8], 8)], inf),
\midinote, Prand([60, 72, 84], inf) + Pfunc { |ev| ev[\myHarmonies].choose },
\dur, 0.15
> / Is there a way for a pattern
> // to send osc messages?
> Pbind(
> \type, \osc?
> \out?, someOSCout,
> \message, ["/some", "message"],
> );
You could write a Function that defines the msg sending and call that with a Pfunc. You could then define an Event type that does that.
> // ^ Inb4, I did a setup where I used
> // the SendReply ugen in a SynthDef with a
> // complementary OSCdef to send
> // OSC to some device. Not quite... elegant.
> // Is there a way for a pattern
> // not to play notes?
Event type \rest.
Or use the Rest class, it has been refurbished in 3.9. (beta1 available yet)
> // This was ground breaking for me
> Pbind(
> \type, \set,
> \id, some{node,group}id,
> \args, #[someArgs],
> );
It is definitely a very versatile one, but also consider Pmono.
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