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[sc-users] Re: file writing with lilypond 2.18 and 2.19 fails on windows 10 (SC 3.7.2)

Hello, I got the original error message on another win10 machine

For this: 
        \note, Prand([1, 2, 3, 4], 8),
        \dur, 0.25

f= Fomus(p.asStream, 8)

//So far I get ok:

-> a Pbind
->  time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 64;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 64;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 64;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 61;

It's ok for:

->  time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 64;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 64;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 64;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 61;

But when creating the .ly file, I get:

ERROR: Primitive '_FileWrite' failed.
Instance of File {    (00000153D838C0A8, gc=3C, fmt=00, flg=00, set=02)
  instance variables [1]
    fileptr : nil
PATH: C:/Users/Clemente/Documents/Scanned Music/SCWIN10/inicios tumbando
piano chords.scd
	MethodError:reportError   00000153D74925C8
		arg this = <instance of PrimitiveFailedError>
	Nil:handleError   00000153D742AF28
		arg this = nil
		arg error = <instance of PrimitiveFailedError>
	Thread:handleError   00000153D74690E8
		arg this = <instance of Thread>
		arg error = <instance of PrimitiveFailedError>
	Object:throw   00000153D73ED258
		arg this = <instance of PrimitiveFailedError>
	Object:primitiveFailed   00000153D7252B38
		arg this = <instance of File>
	Fomus:write   00000153D74E1E28
		arg this = <instance of Fomus>
		var file = <instance of File>
	Fomus:ly   00000153D74AF4A8
		arg this = <instance of Fomus>
	Interpreter:interpretPrintCmdLine   00000153D87D9DB8
		arg this = <instance of Interpreter>
		var res = nil
		var func = <instance of Function>
		var code = "f.ly"
		var doc = nil
		var ideClass = <instance of Meta_ScIDE>
	Process:interpretPrintCmdLine   00000153D74EB218
		arg this = <instance of Main>
^^ The preceding error dump is for ERROR: Primitive '_FileWrite' failed.

Notice that the path on error display does not correspond to the one I
assigned, but it's another path a had previously used.

I restart SC, run the test again and I get:

ERROR: Primitive '_FileWrite' failed.
Instance of File {    (00000291C506AE58, gc=B8, fmt=00, flg=00, set=02)
  instance variables [1]
    fileptr : nil
PATH: C:/Users/Clemente/Downloads/test.scd
	MethodError:reportError   00000291C3F141B8
		arg this = <instance of PrimitiveFailedError>
	Nil:handleError   00000291C33CAD48
		arg this = nil
		arg error = <instance of PrimitiveFailedError>
	Thread:handleError   00000291C2C3B0B8
		arg this = <instance of Thread>
		arg error = <instance of PrimitiveFailedError>
	Object:throw   00000291C35CD708
		arg this = <instance of PrimitiveFailedError>
	Object:primitiveFailed   00000291C2ACE178
		arg this = <instance of File>
	Fomus:write   00000291C3DC2BE8
		arg this = <instance of Fomus>
		var file = <instance of File>
	Fomus:ly   00000291C4082B28
		arg this = <instance of Fomus>
	Interpreter:interpretPrintCmdLine   00000291C3F94018
		arg this = <instance of Interpreter>
		var res = nil
		var func = <instance of Function>
		var code = "f.ly"
		var doc = nil
		var ideClass = <instance of Meta_ScIDE>
	Process:interpretPrintCmdLine   00000291C2DC5708
		arg this = <instance of Main>
^^ The preceding error dump is for ERROR: Primitive '_FileWrite' failed.

Notice again that the path has changed.

I do change the path to my desktop:

        \note, Prand([1, 2, 3, 4], 8),
        \dur, 0.25

f= Fomus(p.asStream, 8)
f.fileName_("/Users/Clemente/Desktop/Pbind")   //here is my windows desktop

& I get:

-> a Pbind
->  time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 64;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63;

->  time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 64;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63;

->  time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 64;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63;

Now there is no error displayed on SC now but the .fms file is created,
however the .ly file is not created. 

The lilypond error is:
# -*-compilation-*-
Procesando «C:/Users/Clemente/Desktop/Pbind.fms»
C:/Users/Clemente/Desktop/Pbind.fms:2:17: error: syntax error, unexpected
'/', expecting \header
lily-exe-path = 
C:/Users/Clemente/Desktop/Pbind.fms:2:43: error: syntax error, unexpected
'/', expecting '='
lily-exe-path = /Applications/LilyPond.app
C:/Users/Clemente/Desktop/Pbind.fms:6:7: error: syntax error, unexpected
'+', expecting '.' or '=' or ','
      +  duration 0.25 pitch 62;
C:/Users/Clemente/Desktop/Pbind.fms:6:32: error: carácter o combinación
abreviada no definida: ;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62
C:/Users/Clemente/Desktop/Pbind.fms:7:32: error: carácter o combinación
abreviada no definida: ;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63
C:/Users/Clemente/Desktop/Pbind.fms:8:32: error: carácter o combinación
abreviada no definida: ;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62
C:/Users/Clemente/Desktop/Pbind.fms:9:32: error: carácter o combinación
abreviada no definida: ;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 62
C:/Users/Clemente/Desktop/Pbind.fms:10:32: error: carácter o combinación
abreviada no definida: ;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63
C:/Users/Clemente/Desktop/Pbind.fms:11:32: error: carácter o combinación
abreviada no definida: ;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63
C:/Users/Clemente/Desktop/Pbind.fms:12:32: error: carácter o combinación
abreviada no definida: ;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 64
C:/Users/Clemente/Desktop/Pbind.fms:13:32: error: carácter o combinación
abreviada no definida: ;
 time +  duration 0.25 pitch 63
C:/Users/Clemente/Desktop/Pbind.fms:1: advertencia: no se ha encontrado
ninguna instrucción \version, escriba

\version "2.19.55"

para disponer de compatibilidad en el futuro
error fatal: archivos que han fallado:

It's very strange, since I believe I didn't have this problem before (I' m
pretty sure I actually did not have this problem even on win 10 on this
exact machine where I'm testing now).

Well I hope the displayed messages can help. Thanks. RC

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