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Re: [sc-users] Re: Instr.loadAll doesn't work as expected, what happened to PlayerPool?

A pull request would really help.  Many people have used this library over the years but there has only been one pull request ever.



On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 11:03 PM, <clfest@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
So, the code for restoring the functionality of Intsr.loadAll seems to be:

l = {
    {|quark| Instr.prLoadDir(quark ++ "/Instr") };



will load them all.

            Thank You For Your Attention

On 12/17/2017 04:40 PM, jamshark70@xxxxxx wrote:
Henricus J. Holtman wrote
It seems the sclang for 3.9dev has something like the routine we want for
properly selecting what quarks are active for Instr.loadAll, because after
init the interpreter has loaded only those quarks. Where is it? It seems
like that chunk could be mangled to make Instr.loadAll work properly.
In the new Quarks system, Quarks are checked out into the
[user-support]/downloaded-quarks directory -- every quark that you ever
downloaded, whether installed or not.

"Installing a quark" now means adding it to LanguageConfig.includePaths:

-> [ crucial-library, ddwCommon, ddwPrototype, ddwGUIEnhancements,
ddwMixerChannel, ddwPatterns, ddwTemperament, ddwEQ, ddwMIDI,
ddwPeakMonitor, ddwSensitivity, ddwStatusBox, ddwVoicer, dewdrop_lib, XML,
Wavesets, TabbedView, MathLib, LinuxExternal, KMeans, JITLibExtensions,
ddwSnippets, JoshMisc, ddwChucklib, ddwChucklib-livecode, ddwTimeline ]

The old system created a symbolic link under Extensions to the quark
download. We had to drop that because Windows doesn't support symbolic links
(and Windows "shortcuts" to files don't work with the SC library compiler).

So "LanguageConfig.includePaths" is now the place to look for installed


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