Am 19.12.2017 um 01:44 schrieb jamshark70@xxxxxx: daniel-mayer wroteRight, the leakage effect shouldn't be neglected. Here is an example: That's an interesting test, but the plot isn't reflecting what I'm hearing. Don't you actually mean this ?: (Then the 1024 would also be arbitrary) But besides of that, the comparison with a cascaded HPF in this form is clearly pro PV_Brickwall, no ? ( { var a = { var freq =, 500, 20, doneAction: 2), // 10 Hz/sec sin =, filtered, amp; /* fft = FFT(LocalBuf(2048), sin), filtered, amp; fft = PV_BrickWall(fft, 0.020527859237537); filtered = IFFT(fft); */ amp = (, 1024) / 1024).sqrt; (filtered * 0.1).dup }.play, cond =, resp = OSCFunc({ cond.unhang }, '/n_end', s.addr, argTemplate: [a.nodeID]).oneShot; cond.hang; // getToFloatArray uses forkIfNeeded so this behaves synchronously here b.getToFloatArray(wait: -1, action: { |data| d = data; }); // data are very fidgety -- naive smoothing e = d.clump(100).collect(_.mean); e.plot; }.fork(AppClock); ) Greetings Daniel |