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[sc-users] Re: file writing with lilypond 2.18 and 2.19 fails on windows 10 (SC 3.7.2)

clemente_rc wrote
> I get an error while doing this on windows 10:
> (
> p=Pbind(
>         \note, Prand([1, 2, 3, 4], 8), 
>         \dur, 0.25
> )
> )
> f= Fomus(p.asStream, 8)
> f.fileName_("/Users/Clemente/Desktop/Pbind")//here is my windows desktop
> path
> f.ly
> the Pbind.fms is created but not the lilypond file as it is used to be.

Hint for asking technical questions: If you ever find yourself writing "I
get an error," that's a red flag for you to stop, copy the entire error
text, and paste it into your message.

If the fms file is created, then the path is OK. So it must be some other
problem. But, without the error text, nobody can even begin to guess.


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