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Re: Aw: [sc-users] 30hz high pass mastering
daniel-mayer wrote
> Exact cutting can be done with PV_Brickwall.
FFT doesn't work that way, unfortunately.
Frequencies in between bins -- that is, most of them -- "leak" into adjacent
bins. PV_Brickwall will cut the leakage into bins below the cutoff (which is
not the same as cutting all the frequencies below the cutoff), but it will
not stop the leakage above.
The old Dodge/Jerse "Computer Music" book covers this. PV_Brickwall
represents a sampled frequency response. The full frequency response,
between the samples, must be band-limited, and the band-limited signal
passing through magnitudes 0, 0, 0 ... 1, 1, 1, 1 will have considerable
rippling near the transition point.
An FFT based brick wall filter may be about as close as you can get (easily)
but "exact" it isn't.
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