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Re: [sc-users] Multiple time signatures - Scheduling with bar numbers?
> Am I right to assume that SuperCollider is much more "beat" than "bar" oriented?
Definitely SC is not bar-oriented. The whole Event / Pbind framework is designed to provide an extremely flexible time control. Traditional Western musical notation has evolved with performers in mind. It would be an enourmous restriction to generally apply that to a computer music system. However you can write your Patterns with bars in mind if you want to.
Another related question that has often be discussed is score-like absolute scheduling, some like it, others don't.
> The workflow I'm expecting to be able to use is :
> - 8 4/4 bars of patterns [a,b,c]
> - Surprise single 3/4 bar with patterns [d,e,f]
> - 8 4/4 bars of pattern [a,b,c]
> What are your thoughts on how to achieve this?
Some possibilities:
.) consider nested patterns, define finite patterns p, q, r, then do Pseq([p, q, r]), or Prand, Pshuf etc.
.) consider Pspawner, it allows very flexible timing, also in combination with score-like concepts, if you combine wait commands and parallel patterns.
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