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Re: [sc-users] Wavelet synthesis?

SC plug-ins for discrete wavelet transform analysis and resynthesis (analogous to FFT-PV_UGen-IFFT chains, you get DWT-WT_UGen-IDWT)

The problem I find with wavelets is that whilst a wavelet basis is complete for reconstruction, its components are in general not perceptually clear and musically useful in their own right, unlike the sinusoidal partials of Fourier analysis, and highly sensitive to any transformation. But some of the wavelet distortions (e.g. miss out a few wavelet components in reconstruction etc) can give strange interesting sounds. 


On 3 Dec 2017, at 16:17, mousaique@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Hello all,
> any suggestions on where/how to start approaching wavelet transforms/synthesis in sc?
> there seems to be quite little information about it...
> many thanks!

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