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[sc-users] Integer modifier keys

Does anyone recognize this code at the bottom of Integer.sc ?

// support for modifiers keys
isCaps { ^this.bitAnd(65536) == 65536}
isShift { ^this.bitAnd(131072) == 131072 }
isCtrl { ^this.bitAnd(262144) == 262144 }
isAlt { ^this.bitAnd(524288) == 524288 }
isCmd { ^this.bitAnd(1048576) == 1048576 }
isNumPad { ^this.bitAnd(2097152) == 2097152 }
isHelp { ^this.bitAnd(4194304) == 4194304 }
isFun { ^this.bitAnd(8388608) == 8388608 }

How would someone use these numbers? Do they somehow allow us to write code
that is functionally consistent across all platforms? Without using
something like:

	// do Windows command
	// do OSX equivalent of Windows command

Thanks in advance, I'm just looking for the most basic idea about what these
numbers mean and how to use them.

View this message in context: http://new-supercollider-mailing-lists-forums-use-these.2681727.n2.nabble.com/Integer-modifier-keys-tp7629977.html
Sent from the SuperCollider Users New (Use this!!!!) mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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