ERROR: Message 'outputs' not understood.
Instance of Server { (000000C1962B6A38, gc=30, fmt=00, flg=00, set=05)
instance variables [32]
name : Symbol 'internal'
addr : instance of NetAddr (000000C1962A76A8, size=4, set=2)
clientID : Integer 0
userSpecifiedClientID : false
isLocal : true
inProcess : true
sendQuit : nil
remoteControlled : true
options : instance of ServerOptions (000000C1962B6C68, size=31, set=5)
latency : Float 0.200000 9999999A 3FC99999
dumpMode : Integer 0
nodeAllocator : instance of NodeIDAllocator (000000C1961FB648, size=6, set=3)
controlBusAllocator : instance of ContiguousBlockAllocator (000000C19616C9A8, size=5, set=3)
audioBusAllocator : instance of ContiguousBlockAllocator (000000C196244188, size=5, set=3)
bufferAllocator : instance of ContiguousBlockAllocator (000000C1961B7E08, size=5, set=3)
scopeBufferAllocator : instance of StackNumberAllocator (000000C19D51C4C8, size=4, set=2)
syncThread : nil
syncTasks : nil
tree : nil
window : instance of QWindow (000000C19C1B1748, size=5, set=3)
scopeWindow : nil
emacsbuf : nil
recordBuf : nil
recordNode : nil
recHeaderFormat : "aiff"
recSampleFormat : "float"
recChannels : Integer 2
recBufSize : nil
volume : instance of Volume (000000C1962B7F88, size=18, set=5)
statusWatcher : instance of ServerStatusWatcher (000000C1962B6E98, size=20, set=5)
pid : nil
serverInterface : nil
DoesNotUnderstandError:reportError 000000C19BFE1E48
arg this = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
Nil:handleError 000000C19C0A6238
arg this = nil
arg error = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
Thread:handleError 000000C1961B67C8
arg this = <instance of Thread>
arg error = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
Object:throw 000000C19BFF24E8
arg this = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
Object:doesNotUnderstand 000000C1977A9238
arg this = <instance of Server>
arg selector = 'outputs'
arg args = [*0]
< closed FunctionDef > (no arguments or variables)
Interpreter:interpretPrintCmdLine 000000C19CBB97A8
arg this = <instance of Interpreter>
var res = nil
var func = <instance of Function>
var code = "s.outputs.numOutputBusChanne..."
var doc = nil
var ideClass = <instance of Meta_ScIDE>
Process:interpretPrintCmdLine 000000C1977A9E98
arg this = <instance of Main>
^^ The preceding error dump is for ERROR: Message 'outputs' not understood.
RECEIVER: internal