Hello World!
I'm trying to achieve a hardware send/return with audio from SC leaving my USB audio interface via an output, being processed externally and then returning via an input, but I'm falling at the first hurdle as I can't get sound from outputs 3/4 of my audio interface. My startup.scd file chooses my ASIO interface from the device options...
ASIO : Komplete Audio 6 (device #14 with 6 ins 6 outs)
...by using the following line of code:
s.options.device_("ASIO : Komplete Audio 6");
No problem there. Sound is produced from outputs 1/2, and can be directed into SC via inputs 1/2. However my issue is with using hardware outputs 3/4.
The below successfully produces sound from output 1 (left speaker):
SynthDef.new("tutorial-SinOsc", { Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar(440, 0, 0.2)) }).play;
The below is equally successful with output 2 (right speaker):
SynthDef.new("tutorial-SinOsc", { Out.ar(1, SinOsc.ar(440, 0, 0.2)) }).play;
BUT, the following does not output sound via output 3 (I know because the hardware it is being directed to has a light that goes red when audio is detected - the light isn't going red and there definitely is not a problem with the hardware or the physical routing to it):
SynthDef.new("tutorial-SinOsc", { Out.ar(2, SinOsc.ar(440, 0, 0.2)) }).play;
Am I unaware of a fundamental concept regarding hardware outs with SC?
Thanks in advance if anyone can help!
(SC 3.8 64bit, Win 8.1, Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6)