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Re: [sc-users] escaped characters in String:format

It happened to me to, macosx, I reported to mailing list 

Andrea Valle
CIRMA - StudiUm
Università degli Studi di Torino

"This is a very complicated case, Maude. You know, a lotta ins, a lotta outs, a lotta what-have-yous." 
(Jeffrey 'The Dude' Lebowski)

On 22 Dec 2016, at 15:02, alberto.decampo <alberto.decampo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

which platform?

works here on osx 10.11.6, SC 3.8 and 3.9dev

best adc

On 22/12/2016, at 13:03 , Armstrong, Newton <Newton.Armstrong.1@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Is there a reason why escaping doesn’t seem to work when using String:format?

The result of this:


is: abcdef

rather than: abc\def

thanks!ąËŽzŧ&j)bž bēا~‹.nĮ+Š›bĒw­rm§ĸðÃâŪh§‚ĶiËĪýöœŠX­‰ë?yŦ-đØĻģúÞąæŦrėš—Ŧr‰e‰ŨŦþfĒ–)ā–+-jĘqj·!ŠũĄķÚĸ 0–+-j·

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