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[sc-users] Re: Tell sclang the server is already running?

Anyone know the right way to do this?


> El 19 dic 2016, a las 22:49, amindfv@xxxxxxxxx escribió:
> So this may have been a bit of a hack, but my sclang workflow used to be:
>  - Boot scsynth or supernova in one terminal window
>  - Run an sclang script in another window, containing "s.waitForBoot". "waitForBoot" was my way of "telling" sclang that scsynth was already running. If I tried to call e.g. "play { SinOsc.ar }" without it, it would incorrectly tell me that the server wasn't running.
> Commit 165bf6 seems to have changed this, causing "s.waitForBoot" to send "/quit" messages to the running server. How can I (ideally the "right way") tell sclang that scsynth/supernova is already running?
> Thanks!
> Tom

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