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[sc-users] Re: ERROR: SynthDef xxx not found: Please help

actually i dont know either :)

i am a noob and following a tutorial on youtube, i copied the instructors
code and changed a little bit but it seems i did it totally wrong :)

this is the true code:

SynthDef.new(\pulseTest, {
    arg ampHz=4, fund=40, maxPartial=4, width=0.5;
	var amp1, amp2, freq1, freq2, sig1, sig2;
	amp1 = LFPulse.kr(ampHz, 0, 0.12) * 0.75;
	amp2 = LFPulse.kr(ampHz, 0.5, 0.12) * 0.75;
    freq1 = LFNoise0.kr(4).exprange(fund, fund*maxPartial).round(fund);
    freq2 = LFNoise0.kr(4).exprange(fund, fund*maxPartial).round(fund);
    freq1 = freq1*LFPulse.kr(8, add:1);
    freq2 =  freq2*LFPulse.kr(6, add:1);
	sig1 = Pulse.ar(freq1, width, amp1);
	sig2 = Pulse.ar(freq2, width, amp2);
    sig1 = FreeVerb.ar(sig1, 0.7, 0.8, 0.25);
    sig2 = FreeVerb.ar(sig2, 0.7, 0.8, 0.25);
    Out.ar(0, sig1);
    Out.ar(1, sig2);

x = Synth.new(\pulseTest);

it works but not sound like instructors did. just make a weird noise and
stop. i copied it exact, i dont understand why it doesnt sound like his

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