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Re: [sc-users] Re: Tunings beyond 12 notes..

To add to the excitement: ~freqToNote doesn't take ~octaveRatio into account, and whenever ~freqToScale encounters a frequency it can't handle, it crashes because of a typo in the error message constructor.

I can clean this stuff up while I'm in there, but as a very occasional developer, I'm a bit reluctant to mess with such an important class as Event except insofar as it interfaces with Scale. Maybe I should make tests that fail and let someone else fix them?

e = (degree: 5, scale: (0..11), octaveRatio: 1.9).play;
f = { |event|
    event.make {
        var freq = ~freq.value;
        ~freqToNote.(event, freq).debug("freqToNote");
// crashes! Error message in ~freqToNote tries to do freq[i], should be just freq
        //~freqToScale.(event, freq).debug("freqToScale");

// note: 5
// midinote: 63.472497819586
// freq: 319.73536872257
// freqToNote: 4.6299970927811


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