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Re: [sc-users] Re: How to fix pulsating distortion

Yes, the clean file was created with s.record, and then imported into Audacity. It also sounds clean in VLC media player.

To get the "dirty" file that I uploaded to soundcloud, I executed {SinOsc.ar}.play in SC, then recorded the audio in Audacity with the "What U Hear (Sound Blaster Z)" option (Inline image)

Yep, I installed the 3.8.0 64-bit version: https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/releases/download/Version-3.8.0/SuperCollider-3.8.0_Windows_64bit_VS_0947edd.exe

On Tuesday, December 20, 2016 3:40 AM, ddw_music <jamshark70@xxxxxx> wrote:

tsunavesti evandrescu wrote
> Thanks for your reply.
> I made sure the sample rates were the same but the problem still occurs.
> And the file both looks and sounds clean in Audacity. The problem also
> occurs with other ugens, including Saw.ar, Pulse.ar, and Pbind's default
> instrument as in the following example:(

Oh... that's really bad. I didn't have a clear idea what you meant by
"pulsating distortion."

Hm... key detail: "the file both looks and sounds clean in Audacity" -- how
was the "clean in Audacity" file produced? SC server recording? If SC can
produce a clean sine wave and write it to disk, that would suggest the
problem is somewhere in between SC's calculations and the soundcard driver.

And, the file you uploaded to soundcloud -- how was that produced?

Which version of SC did you install? If you have the exact download link
handy, that would help. I'll guess it's 3.8.0 64-bit, but it doesn't hurt to
confirm. (There are compiler differences between some of the versions, so I
think for this issue it's necessary to be very precise about this.)


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