I have in my code reason to write something like this:
~mix_group = Group();
~saw1_bus = Bus.audio(s, 2);
~kick_bus = Bus.audio(s, 2);
~saw1_dry_send = Synth(\send2, [\in2: ~saw1_bus, \out2: 0], ~mix_group, \addToTail);
~kick_dry_send = Synth(\send2, [\in2: ~kick_bus, \out2: 0], ~mix_group, \addToTail);
In other words a bunch of definitions using 'saw1', 'kick' and so forth in various places. Being lazy, I thought of constructing a function to do this
semi-automatically, something like:
[ \saw1, \kick ... ].do({|thing| "~" ++ thing ++ "_dry_send" = Synth(\send2, [\in2: "~" ++ thing ++ "_bus", \out2: 0], ~mix_group)});
But this, unfortunately, doesn't work. I am aware that furthermore the construction of lvalues might be tricky. Does somebody know
the way to write this function so it performs the required assignments to environment variables saw1_dry_send, kick_dry_send etc.
Thanks for your attention
"Life is just a game, you fly a paper plane, there is no aim." - Thunderclap Newman in Accidents
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