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Re: [sc-users] changing parameters in a running Pbind
Am 28.12.2015 um 02:34 schrieb James Harkins <jamshark70@xxxxxx>:
> Key question: Do you want the MIDI controller to specify a value that each note will hold separately? Or do you want the controller to update all the notes continuously (like holding down keys on a MIDI keyboard and moving a controller while the notes are playing)?
> Daniel's approach here handles the first case. It does not do the second.
That's right, I assumed the first one !
It might be worth going through miSCellaneous lib's tutorial
'Event patterns and LFOs' which shows some alternatives
to handle both of these.
The examples don't deal with MIDI explicitely,
but starting from the examples
it's just combining the functionality of different
control strategies with that of MIDIFunc
(within Functions buses / groups would have to be set as James describes)
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