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Re: [sc-users] problem compiling raspberry pi 2

I just tried that guide based on an original R-Pi w/ current Jessie (full).
I don't even get Jack2 to configure, let alone to compile.
I'm aware that Fredrik's guide is based on wheezy, but would that really matter?

At the sc-compile section the guide suggests to checkout on an old commit from
2013, because gcc won't work. Did you checkout on this?
Thanks - Michael.

On 28.Nov 2015, at 16:34 , stelios manousakis <steliosm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Are you using Fredrik's guide from here, or another method?:
> http://supercollider.github.io/development/building-raspberrypi.html
> I know it worked like a charm for the old RPi B, though I'm not sure if it still does for the RPi2.


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