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Re: [sc-users] Sample synchronous bundle/beats?
Am 14.12.2014 um 00:20 schrieb Daniel Mayer <daniel-mayer@xxxxxxxx>:
> Am 13.12.2014 um 20:55 schrieb Julian Rohrhuber <julian.rohrhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> you can set the fadeTime of an EnvGate when you create it (the default is 0.02)
>> The same is true for { }.play (you can play it with fadeTime 0).
>> Should the default be zero for { }.play, I wonder? Probably the attack should be 0, but the release not...
> Don't know how the most people use EnvGate.
> I regard it as a practical way of making a SynthDef without envelope click-free,
> at begin and end, so it wouldn't make sense in this case.
> And concerning aFunction.play it's much the same, no ?
I can see the didactical aspect though:
"Let's have a look at some dozen milliseconds
of UGen X by using aFunction.plot.
... erm, what's going on here ?"
But as a number of DAWs is fading clips by default,
this default behaviour is not very unusual IMO.
A change could also cause compatibility issues ...
A warning could be included anyway with aFunction.plot.
BTW one sentence in the help file is a bit misleading here:
"The plot will be calculated in realtime."
Though RT synthesis is used,
a buffer is written to a file etc. etc.
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