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[sc-users] Re: inner calls inside a class for kr ugen

thank you very much Daniel, that is really helpful

On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Daniel Mayer [via New SuperCollider Mailing Lists Forums (Use These!!!)] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Am 07.12.2014 um 04:41 schrieb Edmar O. Soria <[hidden email]>:

> thank you very much Daniel, i understand the isssues. Let me explain a little more about what I am trying to do.
> I use LFO´s pretty much for live parameter modulation. I have found that when I nest LFO I get results that fit better for my purposes for example:
> LFBrownNoise0.kr(
> LFNoise1.kr(freq).range(low,high)).range(LFBrownNoise1.kr(freq2).range(low1,low2),LFBrownNoise1.kr(freq2).range(high1,high2))
> what I am trying to do is a class that automatically generates this kind of nested LFO

Ok, basic desicion would be if you're using mainly a defined nesting structure (1)
or you'd want to make an iterated nesting with variable depth (2).
(2) would be harder as ranges would have to be taken into account.
With both you can build in choices for LFO type.

Here an example for (1) folllowing your posted nesting structure,
I haven't installed LFBrownNoise,
so taking LFDNoise ugens here

// only types 0,1,3 with LFDNoise ugens

LFDNest {
        *kr { |outType = 3, freqType = 3, loType = 3, hiType = 3,
                freqFreq = 1, freqLo = 1, freqHi = 10,
                loFreq = 1, loLo = 100, loHi = 200,
                hiFreq = 1, hiLo = 300, hiHi = 500|
                var type = { |i| switch(i, 0, LFDNoise0, 1, LFDNoise1, 3, LFDNoise3) };
                        type.(freqType).kr(freqFreq).range(freqLo, freqHi)
                        type.(loType).kr(loFreq).range(loLo, loHi),
                        type.(hiType).kr(hiFreq).range(hiLo, hiHi),


x = { SinOsc.ar(LFDNest.kr(0, hiLo: 500, hiHi: 2000).lag(0.03), 0, 0.3) }.play;





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