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Re: [sc-users] sending synth parameters with patterns

On Sunday, November 17, 2013 3:45:38 PM HKT, adam4 wrote:
or make a "variant" in the synthdef, like a preset

officially you're supposed to be able to do:
Pbind(\instrument,\zither,\variant,\zitherofdoom,\cutoff, 440,
0.3,\note, 1)

Personally, I've never found any serious use for variants. I'd file this in the category of features that new users could safely ignore.

Still, about the \variant problem -- I attempted to address this a couple of months ago:


.. but other developers were more interested in talking about github and *not even one other person* had a single word to say about the actual subject of the thread. :-|

So, patches for this issue are out there. I had asked for advice on which approach would be better, and... the proverbial resounding thud. So it's still broken.


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