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[sc-users] Re: sending synth parameters with patterns
or you can do this:
Pbind(\cutoff, 440, \modulation, 0.3,\note, 1)
or this:
Pbind(\cutoff, Pseq([440,660,880],inf), \modulation, 0.3,\note, 1)
or make a "variant" in the synthdef, like a preset
officially you're supposed to be able to do:
Pbind(\instrument,\zither,\variant,\zitherofdoom,\cutoff, 440, \modulation,
0.3,\note, 1)
but i've never got that to work, you can do:
Pbind(\instrument,'zither.zitherofdoom',\cutoff, 440, \modulation,
0.3,\note, 1)
though to access variants within a def - when making variants you only need
to include parameters different from the defaults
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