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[sc-users] ios build attempt

Hi list,

got an ipod touch 4 and attempted to build sc ios. I used this info Fredrik Olofsson provided on a thread from a few months ago:

"i build isc with xcode and use commit 0f2460141127563c01d0dc4501cc82c477178cac from 14mar 2012

then i only need to...
expand the iPhone_Synth.xcodeproj in the menu on the left-hand side and add the file function_attributes.h to include/common/
add '../../external_libraries/nova-simd' to build settings -> header search path

So I checked out the commit with the above id and followed the other steps but I still get 312 errors.

The first one is about "Boost/atomic.hpp: no such file or directory". I found the file in the nova-tt directory and included that in the build header search path but the result is still the same. And that's where I don't know how to proceed further. Any ideas?


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