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Re: [sc-users] SC truncate the command in ".....".runInTerminal

Dear James,

Thanks. Here is my solution!
~jack_connect = CollStream.new;
(1..4).do { |i| ~jack_connect << "jack_connect system:capture_%
scsynth:in%;\n".format(i, i)};
(1..64).do { |i| ~jack_connect << "jack_connect scsynth:out%
scsynth-01:in%;\n".format(i, i)};
(1..64).do { |i| ~jack_connect << "jack_connect scsynth-01:out%
scsynth-02:in%;\n".format(i, i);};
(1..64).do { |i| ~jack_connect << "jack_connect scsynth-02:out%
scsynth-03:in%;\n".format(i, i);};
(1..64).do { |i| a = i - 1 % 8 + 1 ; ~k_connect << "jack_connect
scsynth-03:out% system-playback_:in%;\n".format(i, a);};

I would be very practical for JackOsX user, since the Jack in Quarks does
not work in OsX.


On 9/20/10 8:03 AM, "James Harkins" <jamshark70@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Shortening the code: String:format is your friend.
> c = CollStream.new;
> (1..4).do { |i|
> c << "jack_connect system:capture_% scsynth:in%;\n".format(i, i);
> };
> (1..64).do { |i|
> c << "jack_connect scsynth:out% scsynth-01:in%;\n".format(i, i);
> };
> (1..64).do { |i|
> c << "jack_connect scsynth-01:out% scsynth-02:in%;\n".format(i, i);
> };
> // etc. etc.
> Now "c.collection" is your command sequence.
> On 9/20/10 12:52 PM, PyoungRyang Ko wrote:
>> Dear advanced users,
>> When excuting the following commands, I realise that there is a limitation
>> of the number of the characters within two quotation marks.
>> Can anyone explain the reason?
> Possibly a restriction with string literals. Concatenating smaller
> strings to make bigger ones (which CollStream does with <<, or String
> does with ++) can go past whatever limitation you've seen. (In my
> example, c.collection is not truncated.)
> hjh

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