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[sc-users] selfdestroying synth that destroys another synth stored in a variable

Hello dear list, im using task for sequencing behaivors , the task
have 2 nested "do", when the first do is called it creates a synth an
stores it  in a variable, then when the second "do" is called it
create another synth that selfdestroys after a while. I want that when
my second synth selfdestroys also destroy the first synth stored in
the variable.
Any idea of how to do this?

here is the code

t = Task({
		1.do {
			arg i;
			a = Synth(\sound_a );
			(20.rand  ).wait;
		1.do {
			arg i;
			Synth(\sound_b ); //
----------------------------------------------------->    when this
selfdestroys, i want that  also destroys variable a


		(40.rand  * 0.1 ).wait;



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