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[sc-users] limiting the randomness of frecuency paths

 hello everybody, today i came with this idea while i was
experimenting with sc3, maybe somebody thought about this  and i can
get some feedback.
I been creating synthdefs that use random envelopes to define the path
of the frecuency of that sound it produces.
Im using something like:
env_freq =  EnvGen.ar(Env.new([(Rand.new(0.0, 20.0) ), Rand.new(0.0,
20.0)  , Rand.new(0.0, 20.0) , Rand.new(0.0, 20.0) , Rand.new(0.0,
20.0) ], [2, 3, 1, 4], [0, 3, -3, -1]) );
so if  i create 10 synths at the same  time they are going to have
diferent random frequency paths.

I was thinking that instead of making this , making that the
randomness of  each synth are limited by some rule and in relation
with the other synths.
So one envelope is limited by the envelopes f the others following
some kind of rule, maybe musical rules, like scales?
So that global behaivor would not be random but with a  more
structured behaivor.
I was thinking which approaches would be for making this.

Do anybody thought or made something like this? would approaches would be?

any idea would be very approacited



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