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[sc-users] vocal reverb

hello everyone,
i'm working on the project combining sound poetry and live electronics
i've got saffire sound interface, which has pretty good vocal reverb
on board. but i need to pick up precisely all water content of vocal
and nuances of breath and whisper - so, i think of making dry/wet
parameter dependent on the amplitude of the input signal (the lower
the volume the drier the output)
it's very important for me to make the voice sounding kinda 'natural'
when loud. in other words, it's NOT ABOUT REVERBERATION itself, but
more to smooth out the voice flow

so, the question is - does anybody use reverb for vocal and master
some kind of special/favorite approach to the subject? i'm asking more
about approach than a code

at the moment i use GVerb 15 sq m roomsize, 0.95 damp. slight stereo
widening, small pre-delay and tail. highs rolled off at 2800hz
it's more or less ok, but still has this metallic sounding in mid range

thanks in advance for ideas!

all the best,

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