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Re: [sc-users] large sound files (> 2Gb)

>>>>> "S" == Sciss  <contact@xxxxxxxx> writes:

    S> hey, there is a problem currently with sclang and scsynth not
    S> supporting 64bit integers, for example for the frame number in
    S> buffer read commands. however, the frame index (not the file
    S> offset in bytes) is most likely in the 32bit range.

Presumably.  If this is the sample number in the file, 32 bits should
allow counting up to 1 day,3 hr,3 min,11.5486621 secs, which is far
beyond the files im working with here.

    S> i have been working fine with Wave64 files in supercollider, they
    S> behave correctly past the 2 GB limit.

Ive tried with w64 files without any luck.  Does the example below run
at your place?

    S> AIFF and WAV don't support larger file sizes unfortunately,
    S> sometimes you are lucky and get to 4 GB if the integers are
    S> treated as unsigned.

I know about these limitation with AIFF and WAV, and many softwares
misreading of the size-field as signed integers, leaving you with 2 Gb
limits instead of 4 Gigs.  But im testing this with other formats
without these limitations, ie sun/next, w64, ircams sf, flacs etc. - and
still no luck.  And as mentioned, the same files work well with other
libsndfile-based apps.

Could you please just test this, and tell me if you can grab the file
with \b_read afterwards?

var g, o;
g = [
	[0.0, [\s_new, \tut, 1000, 0, 0]],
	[12200, [\c_set, 0, 0]]
o = ServerOptions.new.numOutputBusChannels = 1; 
Score.recordNRT(g, "/tmp/test_lang.osc", "/tmp/test_lang.w64", nil, 44100, 'W64', 'float',  o); 


s.sendMsg(\b_free, 0)
s.sendMsg(\b_alloc, 0, 65536, 1)
s.sendMsg(\b_read, 0, "/tmp/test_lang.w64", 0, 65536, 0, 1)

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