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Re: [sc-users] array to emulate accelerando or ritenuto

hi Fabrice,
how about using an Env?  something like this...

~start= 0.125;
~end= 1;
~num= 10;
e= Env([~start, ~end], [1], 4);	//you may set different curvature
f= Array.fill(~num, {|i| e[i/(~num-1)]});
Pbind(\dur, Pseq(f)).play


18 sep 2010 kl. 23.17 skrev Fabrice Mogini:

Hi list,
What would be the best way to create an array durations which follow the three conditions: _growing exponentially, or at least increasing (or decreasing contrary depending on the case)
_have a fixed number of items
_first value has a fixed minimum duration (0.125), last value has a fixed maximum duration (1) my code somehow does it but it is clumsy, any better idea on how to proceed? cheers F.
Accel	Accelerando array

	st=1   			first value
	max=4  			bar length
	add=0.2  		substracted random value
	min=0.05 		added to random value
	minimum=0.08  	smallest value played
        st must be smaller than max

Accel.new.init(1, 4, 0.05, 0.01, 0.125);

var <>last;
var <>z;
var <>x;
var <>adder;
var <>y;

init{arg st=1, max=4, add=0.2, min=0.05, minimum=0.08;
	while({ ((z.sum) < max) && ( x > minimum) },{
			y = add.rand+min;
	if( ((z.sum) > max),{
	z.size.do({arg i;
		if( (z[i].isNegative) ,{ z.removeAt(i) });
		if( (z[i] < minimum) ,{ z.removeAt(i) });
	adder = (max-(z.sum))/(z.size);
	z.size.do({arg i;
		z.put(i, z[i]+adder)



     fredrikolofsson.com     musicalfieldsforever.com

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