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[sc-users] call for sc-tweets for SC2010

Dear users,

for my sound installation "A Show Case for SC Tweets" at the SuperCollider Symposium in September in Berlin I'm looking for  SC code limited to 140 characters (SuperCollider Tweets). 

One year ago there was a lot of activity on Twitter as well as on this list , here are some results:

The installation will be shown at .HBC - one of the main venues of the symposium - on the ground floor.
It runs from September 17th to 26th.
I'm going to play SC tweets code through a number of small sound exciters (transducers, DML loudspeakers) which are attached to a large shop window using the glass surface to radiate the sound to the street. The original sound will be of course altered through the resonances of the glass panel.
The code which produces the running sound will be projected  in one long line (140 chars max.) onto the window at the same time.
Every (14, 28 .. 140).choose seconds the sound stops and a new code is randomly choosen from a pool of SC tweets on the hard disk.

So please send me your SC one-liners by email!
I'll accept new tweets from now until the 25th of September (one day before the symposium ends).

After a quick check (see limitations below)  I'll put your tweets into the growing code pool of the installation.
Your name will be projected together with the code when it is played.

- 140 chars max.
- only mono or stereo
- only standard SC3.4 , that is: no quarks, no additional ugens, no other library extensions
- sound only from scsynth, that is: no Speech synthesizer, no other audio applications
- no other sound files than the ones that come in the standard distribution of SC3.4

Send your code to this address (don't reply to sc-users!) :



Andre Bartetzki 

home  +49 - (0)30 - 92375877 
uni      +49 - (0)30 - 31422327 / 31425557
mobil  +49 - (0)1577 - 5340084

Skype bartetzki

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