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Re: [sc-users] Re: String sorting ?

you have to recompile SC with the addons to string found in the lind from fredrik first ;)

I have put them in an attached file.
Just put this file in you extensions folder, and recompile.

here, with your own home folder...
"/Users/hbm/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/Extensions"


2009/12/27 Hjalte Møller <spleef.sc@gmail.com>
That works perfectly :)


Weird, I'm on 3.31 too, and OSX 10.5.7 ?

Here it is very consistently reversed !

I've reinstalled SC not many days ago, with latest SVN, and the problem existed before too. I have no idea how to investigate, but it's quite annoying when dragging a bunch of samples!

Best, Hjalte

2009/12/27 Fredrik Olofsson <f@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

scott wrote something to do that a while ago.

["1_bass.aif", "2_sn.wav", "10_file.wav", "11_etc.aif"].sort{|x, y| x.naturalCompare(y)<0}

i can't reproduce your document backwards sorting problem.  which sc version are you using?  i'm on the latest svn checkout and i also tested with 3.3.1.

27 dec 2009 kl. 20.58 skrev Hjalte Møller:

sorry to answer my own post, but I forgot one thing...

When a bunch of files is dragged 'n' dropped to a Document window, the files get sorted backwards ?

2009/12/27 Hjalte Møller <spleef.sc@gmail.com>
Hello list,

Is there any way to sort strings according to how they are sorted by the OS ?

If you have a list of files like


and collect them in an array, and sort them, you get


I know that is correct behavior, but it would be nice to be able to sort like osx does.

Best, Hjalte

    fredrikolofsson.com     klippav.org     musicalfieldsforever.com

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Attachment: stringComparePlus.sc
Description: Binary data