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[sc-users] install sc on ipod touch 3.1.2. step-by-step

for those interested,
many thanks to Axel Balley for making this possible. as the documentation is a bit sparse, here's my take on the process documented step-by-step...

ipod touch 2g 3.1.2
mac os 10.5.8
xcode 3.1.4
iphone sdk 3.1.2
recent sc svn checkout (dec 2009)

00. download and install sdk 3.1.2 from http://developer.apple.com (dev account needed, 2.73gb!)
01. register as an iphone developer ($99/year, ugh!)
02. find the iPhone Developer Program Portal, launch the assistant and go through it to get a certificate 03. connect ipod, open xcode and its organizer window. click 'use for development'

04. open iPhone_Synth.xcodeproj
05. under menu Project set active sdk to iphone device 3.1.2
06. under menu Project set active build configuration to release
07. open from menubar Project/Edit Project Settings/build and set iPhone Developer: xxx 08. find isynth.plist under groups&files/iPhone_Synth/Resources. set CFBundleIdentifier to your unique App ID (found online: developer.apple.com/iphone) 09. find 'Link Binary With Library' under groups&files/targets/ iscsynth and move libsndfile_iphone.a to the top of the group
10. build

11. open iPhone_Language.xcodeproj
12. under menu Project set active target sdk to iphone device 3.1.2
13. under menu Project set active build configuration to release
14. open menu Project/Edit Project Settings and set iPhone Developer: xxx 15. find SuperCollider.plist under groups&files/iPhone_Language/ Resources and double click it. set CFBundleIdentifier to your unique App ID (found online: developer.apple.com/iphone)
16. build and run (install profiler if asked)

i'm no expert and some steps could possibly be simplified and/or made more simple by the developers (e.g. 09 should be fixed in the xcode project)

links that helped...

(sc-users in berlin that want isc installed on their device can come to the 'mon sc mtg berlin' and we'll sort you out. jailbreaking first is recommended if you want to be able to upload your own patches)

     fredrikolofsson.com     klippav.org     musicalfieldsforever.com

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