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Re: [sc-users] What is the graphical live coding tool seen in this video?

2009/12/26 chris kummerer <chris@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> I read:
>> http://www.pawfal.org/dave/index.cgi?Projects/Scheme%20Bricks

I've seen this in action a couple of times now and I still think it's
one of the best livecoding environments, since it makes the code
structure and action very visible+accessible to the audience.

> it's http://www.pawfal.org/fluxus/
> it's fun, can be used from emacs and it speaks osc. to me sc+fluxus make a
> very nice couple. With sclang-minor-mode I tend to use them from the same
> buffer occasionally.

Would like to see a demo of this sometime, sounds interesting


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