Having a bit of difficulty with an iphone 3gs, mrmr and sc. I’ve set the port to 57120 in the iphone. If I do ( thisProcess.recvOSCfunc = { |time, addr, msg| if(msg[0] != 'status.reply') { "time: % sender: %\nmessage: %\n".postf(time, addr, msg); } } ); I see all the messages comming in. E.g: time: 881.128271648 sender: a NetAddr(, 49195) message: [ /mrmr/accelerometerZ/10/iPhone-de-Miguel-Negrao, 0.21299999952316 ] But If I do : o = OSCresponder.new(nil, "/mrmr", { arg time, resp, msg; [time,resp].postln; } ).add; // create the OSCresponder nothing happens... I’m a bit lost here, anyone care to help ? thanks Miguel Negrão A 2009/04/08, às 08:10, kimm furt escreveu: