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Re: [sc-users] SplayAz with 2 channels

I see, thank you!

adc wrote:
On Dec 24, 2009, at 12:14 AM, Jonatan Liljedahl wrote:

Giving SplayAz 2 channel input for 2 channel output pans both inputs in the exact middle. Is this really the expected behaviour? Personally I would think that the first input should be panned hard left and the second hard right.

hi jonatan, the short answer: yes, this is the correct behavior. If you just want to Splay an array to stereo, use Splay, not SplayAz.
or actually, if you splay two signals to 2 chans LR, why even splay them at all?
they already are L, R ... longer answer: SplayAz pans into a ring of 2 speakers, where positions are calculated for each channel as (0 .. n-1) / 2 * 2. for two input channels, this is 0 and 1, which is correct. With the default orientation (which is as in PanAz, 0.5), pos: 0 is in the middle between spk1 and spk2, and pos: 1 is in the middle between spk2 and spk2 (i.e. actually on the way back around the ring). to change that, you could set the orientation: 0.0, then pos: 0 is spk1 only, and pos: 1 is spk2.

hth, best, adc

For example, this is silent:


But giving a width arg of 3 gives me the expected behaviour, so this sounds:



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